Study Map

CASA's Manual of standards is a maze to understand. In this bookmarkable [ctrl+d] article we simply spell out just how to prepare yourself for a career in aviation as a pilot.


Before achieving your private or commercial pilots license. You'll be assessed on the below 7 group of competencies.

Aerodynamics: This exam covers the principles of flight, including the forces acting on an aircraft during flight, the behavior of an aircraft through its operating envelope, and various flight performance scenarios.
Aircraft General Knowledge: This involves understanding the systems of an aircraft, such as the electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, and avionics systems that ensure the aircraft operates safely and efficiently.
Air Law: Pilots are tested on their knowledge of the regulations and laws that govern the operation of aircraft in Australia. This includes international conventions, airspace regulations, and operational procedures that must be adhered to.
Human Performance: This exam focuses on the physiological and psychological aspects of pilot performance. Topics include the effects of fatigue, stress, and alcohol on pilot performance, as well as understanding the limitations of human performance in aviation.
Meteorology: Pilots must understand weather theory, the interpretation of weather forecasts, and reports. This knowledge is crucial for flight planning and safe operations under varying weather conditions.
Navigation: This exam tests a pilot’s ability to conduct flights using both visual and instrument navigation techniques. It covers flight planning, map reading, route selection, and the use of navigational aids.
Flight Rules and Air Law: This is distinct from the Air Law exam as it focuses more on the practical aspects of flight rules and the specific operational procedures pilots must follow during various phases of flight.

Further Accreditation

As an aspiring pilot, advancing your qualifications can significantly broaden your career opportunities. Understanding further accreditation options is crucial, and here’s a guide to some of the critical ratings that can improve your skillset and employability:

IREX (Instrument Rating Examination)
Essential for pilots aiming to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) in commercial aviation. The examination covers instrument interpretation, IFR flight planning, and emergency procedures to evaluate navigation and decision-making in reduced visibility.
More on IREX ->

VFR Night Ratin:
Allows pilots to operate at night under Visual Flight Rules, enhancing operational flexibility. Examination requires proficiency to be demonstrated in night navigation, use of aircraft lighting systems, and understanding night meteorology challenges.

Multi-Engine Rating:
Qualifies pilots to operate larger, multi-engine aircraft.
Assessment focuses on multi-engine aerodynamics, engine failure procedures, and managing system malfunctions.